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Writer's pictureChris Dawes

September 4, 2024

I like what Dr. Luke says in chapter 1, verse 3; “…He also presented Himself alive (to His Apostles) after He suffered, with many convincing proofs…”. Let’s meditate on that together today. As we dig into the Scriptures, can we identify any of those “many convincing truths?”  

Initially, Dr. Luke seems to indicate that these convincing truths Jesus showed had to do with:

1. His Teachings (v. 1)

2. His Miraculous actions (v. 1)

3. His Redemptive suffering (v. 3)

4. His Resurrection appearances (v. 3)

5. His Ascension into Heaven (v. 2)

What was miraculous about the teachings of Jesus? We can answer that question with more questions.  Let’s consider the parables of Jesus. Have you ever read anything quite so moving, yet succinct as the story of the prodigal son? Have you ever read a passage that is both achingly beautiful and viscerally terrifying as His teaching on the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25? “Render unto Caesar…” , “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…” “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth…”, and on it goes. These words and teachings are not of this world. They are timeless. They are anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit. These words are ALIVE, and they are convincing proofs in and of themselves.

The miracles of Jesus validate His uniqueness and are clear and convincing proofs of His Deity. In just one example, Jesus says “rise, pick up your stretcher and walk” and “your sins are forgiven” in the same breath. The Jewish people who observed this miracle of healing rightly asked the question “who can forgive sins, but God alone?”  The answer was staring them in the face, and probably smiling. Here is just one convincing proof among so many miracles done by Jesus that the Apostle John said the world itself could not contain a full written record of them all. Hallelujah!

The redemptive sufferings of Jesus are a clear and convincing proof of His Divinity and His sacred mission to be the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”  Even the thief languishing on the cross next to our Savior recognized that He was not suffering for his own sins, because Jesus was sinless. Instead, His sufferings on the Cross fulfilled the monumentally powerful prophecies of Isaiah;  “He Himself bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases. By His stripes, we are healed.”  Can you imagine if you were Mary Magdalene witnessing the sufferings of Jesus on the cross, and you saw Him push up on the spike driven through his feet to get enough breath to speak out these Holy words; “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” What more convincing proof is there that Jesus was who He claimed to be?  There are others!

On the first day of the week just before dawn, Mary Magdalene came looking for the body of Jesus in the tomb and ended up embracing Him alive and not wanting to let Him go in the garden! Paul tells us in his first epistle to the Corinthian church, chapter 15, that one of the earliest creeds (agreed upon verbal statements of faith) of Christians was that Jesus suffered, died, was buried and rose again according to the prophetic scriptures of what we call the Old Testament. The creed goes onto say that Jesus appeared in person to Peter, to the other apostles, to James, the brother of Jesus, and to at least five hundred others. Even Paul met the resurrected Jesus, and that was more than enough convincing proof for him to be born again and turn the world upside down by God’s grace!

Finally, Jesus superseded the law of gravity in a spectacular way, not merely walking on the surface of liquid water, but by levitating all the way up through the clouds, and I believe, rising through all other higher dimensions into the Glory realm of God, the Father, in full view of hundreds of witnesses. As He did this, the book of Ephesians reveals He “gave gifts unto men.”  Paul goes onto say that these gifts are ministry callings and empowerments with which the Holy Spirit anoints those whom He chooses to strengthen and build the Church Jesus started!  So, any time God uses your pastor, a missionary, a prophetic word, a teacher or evangelist to build your faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord, you have been shown a convincing proof of the Deity of Jesus Christ!

Pray right now:  Jesus, how amazed I am at all the convincing proofs you have provided. As I continue to read your Word, I know I am only scratching the surface and that throughout my whole life, indeed my eternity, you will unfold the never-ending revelation of Your goodness to me and to Your people. Open my eyes, Lord. I want to see Jesus. And use me to show your many convincing proofs to others. In the name of Jesus, amen. 

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