Valley Christian Church Assembly of God
"To Know Jesus and Make Him Known"
3920 Cherry Street, Grand Forks ND
Sunday Morning Service begins at 10am
Nepali Language Service begins at 12pm
African Languages Service begins at 2:30pm
Current Sermon Series
January 2025
The "One in Christ" Worship Event Resource Center
The Dream: To equip Bhutanese/Nepali Churches in America to reach out to English speaking people in their communities to;
Nurture Christian Unity and partnership with their local churches
Educate and inspire concerning the refugee experience
Evangelize both Nepali speaking and English speaking non-Christians by fulfilling the promise of Jesus in John 17
Receive and disburse funds to aid ministries indigenous to Nepal, India Bhutan and the surrounding region through Valley Christian Church of Grand Forks, North Dakota
Pastors and Worship Leaders!
Host a "One in Christ" Worship Event in your own City!
Local Nepali Pastors, equipped with the “One in Christ” Worship Service Resource Package, will work with local worship leaders and teams to learn, rehearse and present the “One in Christ” presentation in their own communities.
Before the public presentation, Nepali pastors will preach on the Biblical foundations of Christian Unity that inspired each of the seven songs and encourage all their people to listen and learn the songs in preparation for the Worship Event.
Nepali worship leaders will be encouraged to form a committee of cooperating worship leaders and team members from other congregations that will participate and meet regularly to plan and prepare for the event. These same worship leaders will lead their own teams in rehearsing and preparing for the One in Christ unified service.
The Pastor’s committee will need to choose at least 7 pastors to pray and read scripture during the event before and between each song. Because of the need for a unified “flow” during the main event, these same pastors will need to rehearse with the combined worship team several times at a minimum.
A Prayer Team must be established early on in the process to intercede for the "One in Christ" Event made up of people from as many of the participating churches as possible.
Good communication is essential to executing an event with excellence and for the glory of God, so invitations should be sent or personally delivered to area churches and pastors to attend several times for several months leading up to the main event.
A Praise Dance choreographer/coordinator should be appointed if available and he or she should assemble a Praise dance team to develop and rehearse dances that will bless and enhance the worship event. Because dance is an important part of Bhutanese/Nepali culture, and the Scriptures encourage believers to “praise God in the dance”, this could be a wonderful addition to the whole experience, although it is not absolutely necessary.
A Church/Venue with plenty of room to accommodate the combined praise teams/choir/pastors/praise dancers is essential and should be secured early on in the process.
An adequate sound system and AV team needs to be recruited and secured for the event early on in the process as well, as this can make or break this kind of event. This will ensure that there will be enough microphones/sound equipment/instruments etc to properly amplify the combined Worship team.
A screen and projection system will be essential because video is a part of the presentation and having the song lyrics clearly displayed for all to see is a necessity to promote congregational singing/understanding/participation.
A team of Ushers and Greeters will also be essential to minimize confusion, maintain order, and shepherd any children who want to “explore” without adult supervision. These same ushers will receive the offering at the main event, ensure it is properly secured, counted, documented and processed through a legitimate local church that can then forward the entire amount to Valley Christian Church where the funds will be disbursed in their entirety to trusted Christian ministries that have been vetted and approved by Pastor Chris and his Board of Directors. A full report of how the funds are divided and given will be provided upon request.
Photographers and videographers should be recruited to document this event, and all people should be encouraged to take their own pics and short videos of the event and post on social media with explanations about the event and with the hashtag #OneInChrist.
A graphic artist should also be recruited to adapt or develop promotional materials such as jpegs for Church social media/website advertising and posters, flyers and personal invitations to be given out by individual congregants before the event.
"One in Christ" Biblical Principles:
Christian Unity is a powerful way to evangelize unbelievers (John 17:20-21)
Christian Unity brings the blessings of God (Psalm 131)
Christian Unity brings Spiritual empowerment (Acts 2:4)
Christian Unity fulfills the prophecies in Scripture (Psalm 2)
Christian Unity is the heart cry and prayer of Jesus Christ (John 17:22)